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Fuel Additive-CC™ Reduces Fuel Consumption Up to 40% for Non-Automotive Applications

Writer's picture: Sarah WeingardenSarah Weingarden


Fuel Additive - CC™ consists of nanodiamond crystals (ND) of 2-9 nm in size are produced by detonation

synthesis and suspended in a combustible, petroleum or petroleum like base for transport. The crystals

are attracted to each other and produce larger crystals in the range of 30-50 nm, smaller than some


Nanodiamond crystals are members of the carbon family which is known for its catalytic properties.

Detonation nanodiamonds are a powerful catalyst enabled by an extraordinary surface area to weight

ratio (350-450 square meters per gram), functional groups on the surface of the crystals, and an

electrical charge which is typically -30 to -70 millivolts (mv).

Fuel Additive - CC™ is introduced into the fuel supply at a ratio of 1.4 to 1.8 ml per gallon of gasoline or

diesel fuel. The optimum amount may vary from engine to engine. When the fuel and nanodiamond

mixture is introduced into the combustion chamber and compressed, NO X is produced in close proximity

to the nanodiamond crystals. It is theorized that the electrically charged catalyst (ND) breaks down NOx

into nitrogen and oxygen, providing additional oxygen that improves combustion and frees elemental

nitrogen. The availability of additional oxygen produces an improvement in combustion efficiency

(reduction in fuel consumption and resultant emissions) in the range of 30% to 40%. Some of the

oxygen produced is not used in combustion, but becomes part of the exhaust gas.

In testing, a higher concentration of additive produced improved results as measured by combustion

efficiency and reduction in undesirable combustion by-products such as NOx . The actual value of

marginal improvement increases as the increase in the cost of the fuel and vice versa.

Fuel Additive Limitations

Computer controlled engines do not work well with Fuel additive-CC™. Fuel additive-CC™ changes the

exhaust gas mix, reducing NOx and increasing O2 as described above. The oxygen sensor detects the

increase in oxygen and reports it to the Electronic Control Unit (ECU). The excess oxygen makes the ECU

believe that the fuel mixture is too lean and increases the amount of fuel used. This significantly reduces

or eliminates the fuel economy improvement created by Fuel additive-CC™.

The implication of this is straightforward. Fuel Additive-CC™ is not effective in controlled engines, i.e.,

those with an ECU. This eliminates most cars and trucks and some marine and other engines. However,

there are classes of engines that do not have an ECU and there are millions of them.

Applications for Fuel Additive-CC™

Fuel Additive-CC™ works in a wide range of equipment with uncontrolled engines such as:

  • Farm equipment

  • Generators (w/o ECU)

  • Outboard motors

  • Marine engines (w/o ECU)

  • Mining equipment

  • Construction equipment

  • Yard equipment (lawn mowers, riding mowers, snow or leaf blowers, etc.)

  • Other equipment with uncontrolled engines

The benefits are tangible and of considerable economic and environmental value.

Diesel Fuel Particulates

All engines, but diesel engines in particular produce soot. Soot is an enemy of our environment, a

precipitator of respiratory problems, and contributes to the need for engine oil changes by breaking

down the additive package. To control emission of soot diesels are equipped with a Diesel Particulate

Filter (“DPF”). The accumulated soot must be burned off regularly in a process called “Regeneration”.

For vehicles that drive at high speed, regeneration will occur on its own. For vehicles that do not run at

high speed, parked regeneration lasting 20-40 minutes is required to prevent permanent damage.

Use of Fuel Additive-CC™ reduces particulate production by more than 30%. It can be an important

strategy for increasing operating time for those vehicles that require parked regeneration and utilization

of drivers (e.g., skid loaders); for large operations this may reduce the quantity of vehicles and operators

needed. Fuel Additive-CC™ also reduces fuel consumption associated with regeneration of the DPF.

In university testing it was also observed that ND crystals in Engine Oil Additive - FM™ also reduce soot


Product Availability: Packaging and Trial Testing

Fuel Additive - CC™ is available in prepackaged size or in custom sizes with custom sizes available.

Standard packaging is 119 ml (treats ~74 gallons) and 443 ml (treats~ 277 gallons). No charge trial

testing is available for operators who agree to a supervised, structured program.

Please direct all inquiries to Marshall Weingarden. He can be reached by email at or by phone at 248-529-3873.


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